Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back to Work

Maybe you have noticed that I have been slacking off on my Blogging, newsletters and well just about everything else. I could give you a hundred excuses but none of them are really worth writing about. The end result is that I am back at it. Bringing the vineyard to your computer... minus the wine.

Today we held a marketing meeting (yes, this is what inspired me to start blogging again) and we have planned some really fun and exciting events for next few months.

Stay tuned for more details about our up-coming events.

You won't want to miss them!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunset, Wine & Music... oh and a little rain!

We hosted our second Sunset evening this past Saturday night. The first one was a few weeks back and the weather was overcast. This one the weather was overcast again but for the most part a really nice day!

During the day the Vineyard was packed. Ken Wenzel spent the day with us serenading our guests while Chef Rick fired up the BBQ to feed them all. While we did not get a sunset that evening since the rain came roaring down and I mean roaring... we did have a rockin' evening full of sing-a-longs and laughter!

Since the extended evening was such a success we are adding several more to the Summer Season... hopefully we will get an actual sunset one night!

The end of the evening came and as I drove home from a long day, I realized once again why I love being a part of the Vineyard. Forgive me for repeating myself but... "I love that Wine becomes a connection to food, music and most importantly friends... old & new". This weekend it proved to be true once again but this time it was personal. I watched it happen to our families and if you knew our families you would know that wine truly is magic...

See it all started when my brother's Father-in-law decided he would like to come to the Vineyard to hear Ken play. My parents and my brother, his wife and son Jack jumped on board and planned to join him. When Bree heard that everyone was coming up, she decided to leave the confines of her house (Bree is still recovering from major back surgery)and come to the Vineyard with her Mom & Dad and son baby Cameron!

The party kept growing... Chef Ricks parents joined in as well as Ken's mom who was visiting from Illinois. So there was everyone... drinking wine, eating, laughing and enjoying some great music all together like they had been friends for years.

So why was that so great to me? Especially when Cameron and I were slaving away inside the tasting room. Well, this time instead of watching strangers find new friends I got to see all our families the people I care about most find joy and laughter in each other. My family, Bree's family, Ken's family and Ricks all join together by the magic of wine.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Classic White is back!

The long awaited arrival of Classic White is finally over!

This Classic is back in the tasting room ready for your enjoyment! We bottled over 500 cases of this light, crisp and fruity wine last weekend and from first sip you will no why this wine has been a Loudoun Valley Vineyards "Best Seller"!

Be sure to check out the new labels! They are fun, bright and stand out in a crowd!

We will be releasing Pinot Grigio this coming weekend and we'll keep everyone updated as we release more wines!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wine Season has started!

Gone are the cold and wintery days at the Vineyard. We are no longer sitting around watching the wines in the barrels. We are busy, busy, busy.

We attended the first festival of the season... Reston's "Great Grapes" Wine Festival! We broke a record that day for the hottest day yet on April 25th. A whopping 92 degrees! Although seriously it felt like 120! The Sangria was flowing rapidly all day long. We took our Red Table wine and added a few ingredients and "ta da" LVV's Sangria was born. We sold the wine and included the "Secret Recipe", it was the best seller of the day by far.

Meanwhile back at the Vineyard.... We continued filtering the wines, preparing them for the long awaited bottling. The new wines that are being bottled this weekend will be released in the tasting room either the last week of May or first week of June. Be sure to check them out... you won't be disappointed.

I also just finished planning some events at the Vineyard for May and June (The are listed on our website as we speak). The Vineyard will be hosting many music and food events for the summer season. I for one can't wait for Chef Rick to start the Pit Barbeque up. He makes a mean brisket!

Last but not least Bree was awarded this past week with 4 international awards. Three bronze (Chamborcin, Dynasty & Vinifera Red) and one silver (Vinifera White). I couldn't be more proud of Bree!

Well, that's it for now... I will keep you updated as things keep happening at the Vineyard!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Vines, Wines and some new events

The Vines are being pruned, the wines are being bottled and I have been working on some fun new events!
Cameron over the last month or so has been pruning the vines! If you look at the finished product you would never know how much effort it takes to prune vines. Even though it is labor intensive it is an extreamly important job ... without pruning new growth would not occur and the vines would grow wild. He has also been working on our building. Another really big job! If you have not been by in a while, you need to check it out. It's amazing what a little power-washing does to a building!
Bree has been tending to the wines and they are so close to being ready! We are bottling a selection of our wines the first week of May (Pinot Grigio, Viognier, Classic White, Traminette, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Legacy, Chambourcin, and Vin de Pomme) I tasted them last week and let me tell you... she has outdone herself this year! I am especially excited about Legacy. Legacy is Bree's new Dessert Wine named in honor of her little guy Cameron Davis!
Me, I have just finished up Soup Season and now getting ready for Festival Season!
I'm also working on planning a large number of events thru out the Spring and Summer Season. One I'm an very excited about is a Summer Concert Series. We are inviting Singer/Songwriters to the Vineyard to perform thru the Summer. Picnic blankets, good music, sunsets and of course WINE! More to come... as I work it out! We will also continue our Live Music on most weekends all summer long. We have invited Ken Wenzel a LVV favorite back to the Vineyard for several dates this Summer. Then there are Wine Dinners, Dog Walks, Weddings and Barrel Tastings to plan! That should keep me busy for a while!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Geting Ready for Valentines Day

Whether you like Valentines Day or not... it is just around the corner. I sit somewhere in between. I have to admit that up until this year I have been a bit of a curmudgeon when it came to Valentines Day, however this year has really turned my bad Valentines Day attitude around. We have been deep in Wine, chocolate and cheese getting ready for the big day. This is a big holiday for the Winery. Nothing is more romantic than spending the day with your sweetheart touring the local vineyards and drinking wine. We are almost ready... the last thing we have to do is get our new tables for our Valentines Day, Sweethearts Wine Dinner. So how can spending time pairing truffles and wine not make you love Valentines Day?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Saturday's Winter Soups

Legend has it that Louis XV created French Onion Soup. Apparently he was stuck at his hunting lodge and all he had was onions, butter and Champagne and Voila... French Onion Soup was created. I picked this soup to be served at the vineyard this Saturday for two reasons.... First, we replaced Louis's Champagne for our Chambourcin which enhances the depth and flavor of the standard French Onion Soup. Secondly, it is going to be cold this weekend and nothing else quite warms you up like French Onion Soup topped with home-made croutons and Gruyere Cheese and a glass of Chambourcin. I am looking forward to spending the day at the Vineyard with a bowl of soup and glass of Chambourcin. Now all I need is to invite a friend to join me!